ELLIS Institute Finland
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Artificial intelligence has enormous untapped potential in a wide range of fields and for addressing sustainability challenges. While current advances, exemplified by large language models like GPT, mark just the initial stages of AI development, the next generation of AI solutions promises transformative impacts on industries, healthcare, and the nature of work. To effectively develop AI and deploy it in various fields, we need more experts in Finland – the lack of talent is the most significant hurdle for companies’ RDI investments.
In December 2024, we founded ELLIS Institute Finland – a hub in the ELLIS partnership network bringing together the best AI talent in Europe. This institute, along with collaborating research entities and companies in different fields, will attract experts and investments globally, directly impacting the quality and quantity of RDI activities in Finland and securing Finland’s competitiveness.
Building on a strong basis
Finnish AI research is currently spearheaded by the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI, which builds on the long track record of pioneering machine learning research and multidisciplinary collaboration. FCAI’s research core, comprising probabilistic machine learning, simulator-based inference, and user modeling, is at the forefront in Europe.
FCAI hosts ELLIS Unit Helsinki, whose expansion to a world-class research center, ELLIS Institute, is in progress. The institute, founded in December 2024, will be developed in three phases with full operation projected for 2032:
Ramp-up phase (2024–2026)
Consolidation and growth phase (2027–2031)
Established operation (2032–)
ELLIS network: joining forces in Europe
ELLIS – the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems – is a pan-European AI network of excellence which connects the top AI experts in Europe and aims to secure Europe’s sovereignty in this competitive field.
ELLIS has currently over 40 units in 17 countries. The first ELLIS Institute was established in Tübingen in 2023 and the second one in Finland 2024.
ELLIS consists of a network of research sites distributed across Europe, with over 1000 top researchers from 17 countries. A few ELLIS Units are expanded to ELLIS Institutes with key roles in the network.
With the establishment of network’s second ELLIS Institute, Finland is solidifying its position in Europe, significantly increasing its attractiveness to high-caliber AI talent.
Read more about ELLIS Network →
Read more about ELLIS Unit Helsinki →
Read more about the launch of ELLIS Institute Finland →
National collaboration and support
ELLIS Institute Finland will operate in close collaboration with the Finnish research institutions that contribute to its development. Furthermore, the surrounding RDI environment and multidisciplinary collaboration are essential for success and to spread the benefits. The institute has a significant number of research actors and key companies in Finland behind it.
As a result of cutting-edge research and extensive collaboration, the next generation of AI solutions will be created, for example, for the design of more effective medicines, vaccines and personalized treatments; for cleaner energy production; for new materials; for atmospheric modelling; and for factory and traffic planning.
Express your support
You can express your support for the ELLIS Institute Finland by signing the statement below. Signing the statement will not be binding on anything in the future.
An increase in RDI investments is a prerequisite for productivity and economic growth in Finland. Currently, the lack of experts poses the biggest bottleneck for RDI activities. We must increase Finland's attractiveness to get the best talent here.
Artificial intelligence has enormous untapped potential in a wide range of fields, and in addressing sustainability challenges. We need more experts in Finland to develop artificial intelligence and deploy it in various fields.
Establishing an ELLIS Institute in Finland – a hub in the partnership network bringing together the best AI talent in Europe – will enable a big leap in Finland's attractiveness to AI experts. The ELLIS Institute, along with collaborating research entities and companies in different fields, will build an international top-level AI hub, drawing more experts and investments, and broadly strengthening RDI activities in Finland.
The locations of the ELLIS Institutes in Europe are currently being selected. Finland has a strong position in the ELLIS network. To remain internationally competitive, our aim is that Finland should be the host country of an ELLIS Institute.
TKI-panostusten kasvu on Suomen tuottavuus- ja talouskasvun edellytys. Osaajien saatavuus on pahin pullonkaula TKI-toiminnalle. Parhaiden osaajien houkuttelemiseksi Suomen vetovoimaa on kehitettävä määrätietoisesti.
Tekoälyllä on valtava hyödyntämätön potentiaali lukuisilla aloilla ja kestävyyshaasteiden ratkaisemisessa. Tarvitsemme Suomeen lisää osaajia kehittämään tekoälyä ja ottamaan sitä käyttöön eri aloilla.
Perustamalla Suomeen ELLIS-instituutin – Euroopan parhaat tekoälyosaajat yhdistävän verkoston keskuspaikan – voimme ottaa ison harppauksen Suomen houkuttelevuudessa tekoälyosaajille. ELLIS-instituutti ja siihen yhteistyön kautta kytkeytyvät eri alojen yritykset ja tutkimustoimijat muodostavat kansainvälisesti huipputasoisen tekoälyosaamisen keskittymän, joka vetää mukaansa uusia osaajia ja investointeja, sekä vahvistaa laajasti TKI-toimintaa Suomessa.
ELLIS-instituuttien paikat Euroopassa valitaan nyt. Suomi on ELLIS-verkostossa vahvassa asemassa. Pysyäksemme kansainvälisesti kilpailukykyisenä keskittymänä meidän kannattaa panostaa siihen, että pääsemme ELLIS-instituutin isäntämaaksi – saatava hyöty on moninkertainen.
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