Our partners and collaborators

Our mission ‘Real AI for Real People in the Real World’ calls for collaboration. Complementary excellence in fundamental AI, as well as a strong understanding of other fields and the needs of companies and the public sector play a pivotal role in achieving the mission.

For the wider audience FCAI publishes monthly newsletter and organizes networking events to share information about advances and applications in the field of artificial intelligence and to support matchmaking.

Keep up with all the current matters by subscribing to our newsletter and by following us on social media.


Company and public sector partners and collaborators

We have 30 collaboration partners which include large international companies, smaller but advanced AI companies as well as public sector collaborators. On top of these, we have over 400 other ecosystem members with whom we have smaller ongoing initiatives and projects in preparation.


Academic collaboration

Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI is an open research and impact community. We welcome new actors to take part in the FCAI Research Programs and Highlights as well as FCAI Special Interest Groups. FCAI is open for proposals for new profound research activities that are both aligned with our core mission and demonstrate high scientific, economic, or societal impact potential.

In addition to creating collaborations bottom-up, FCAI also maintains institute-level strategic academic partnerships. They include:


NVIDIA AI Technology Center (NVAITC)

NVIDIA AI Technology Center (NVAITC) is a joint research center of the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI, NVIDIA, and the Finnish IT Centre for Science CSC. NVAITC Finland accelerates research, education and adoption of artificial intelligence in Finland.


ELLIS Unit Helsinki

European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) is a network of excellence that gathers together the top machine learning researchers, with a mission to harness the best European expertise to make Europe more attractive to talent.

ELLIS Unit Helsinki contributes to a concerted European effort in machine learning, in particular, probabilistic modeling and Bayesian inference, simulator-based inference, data-efficient deep learning, privacy-preserving machine learning and interactive artificial intelligence.

Alan Turing Institute

The Alan Turing Institute and Finnish Centre for Artificial Intelligence signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in March 2019, formally establishing an ambitious partnership between the two organisations. The MoU has enabled both institutions to convene experts to work on shared research and translation projects.