FCAI Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Have a question that is not answered here? Please let us know.

What is FCAI? »

FCAI is both a research center with a sharp research and impact agenda, and an open community for everyone interested in AI research. FCAI is part of the Research Council of Finland’s Flagship Programme, an instrument that supports high-quality research and increases the societal impact emerging from the research.

Watch the FCAI introduction video

How can I be involved in FCAI? »

You can participate in several ways and at different intensity levels:

  • by contributing to FCAI core that builds on Research Programs and related Highlights demonstrating the impact;
  • by joining Special Interest Groups (FCAI SIGs);
  • by participating in FCAI-organized events, including seminar series, thematic and networking events;
  • by contributing to other research, education and impact activities.

Read more about joining FCAI: https://fcai.fi/join-fcai.

What is FCAI’s research agenda? »

FCAI builds on its world-class machine learning expertise and creates new types of AI tools for AI-assisted decision-making, design and modeling. In this assistance, AIs have to be data-efficient and trustworthy, and work well with humans by understanding them and being understandable for them. Such AIs need to have world models for understanding the world and interacting with it, and user models for understanding the users and interacting with them.

Read more about FCAI’s research: https://fcai.fi/research

What does FCAI’s research agenda mean in practice: I’m not working on data efficiency / user models / machine learning / … – can I still join? »

FCAI’s research agenda guides the core activities and prioritises the common resources. The research agenda consists of a set of building blocks, and the research contributions to the agenda can target a larger or smaller subset of them – every piece of research does not have to include all elements; e.g. all activities do not include user modeling or aim at data-efficient methods. Other contributions to the wider agenda are very welcome as well.

Who belongs to FCAI? I am working on artificial intelligence in Aalto/UH/VTT, but I am not part of any of the research programs – am I still a part of FCAI? »

All researchers in Aalto University, University of Helsinki, and VTT working on AI are welcome to be a part of FCAI. Researchers in Finland can also join the FCAI Community mailing list to stay informed about FCAI news, events, and upcoming collaboration opportunities. In addition, you can subscribe to our monthly newsletter and follow us on LinkedIn.

Read more about joining FCAI: https://fcai.fi/join-fcai#how

How do I join one of the Research Programs, Highlights, or SIGs? »

If a Research Program or Highlight fits your research interests and you would like to contribute to it, please contact its coordinating professor. You can read about the programs’ goals and their ongoing research here: https://fcai.fi/research#programs.

Specific Interest Group (SIGs) are established to gather people around a broader theme of interest. If you are interested in joining a SIG, please contact its coordinator. You can read about the current SIGs as well as how to propose new ones here: https://fcai.fi/research#sigs.

What is FCAI flagship funding for? »

FCAI is implemented through a large project portfolio. Research Council of Finland’s FCAI flagship funding is a small share of the total funding, in 2019–20 it was approximately 3% of the total. This FCAI flagship funding is used for supporting the activities at the core of the research agenda. Almost all of it, over 90%, is used for hiring new researchers to advance FCAI’s research agenda. The rest is used for joint FCAI activities, such as events: https://fcai.fi/calendar.

Can I propose a new FCAI program? »

The program structure has been designed to best serve FCAI’s research agenda and is adjusted based on advances in research. For example, new Highlight programs emerge to demonstrate an AI-breakthrough in some specific area, or a new Specific Interest Group (SIG) is established to gather people around a broader theme of interest. You are very welcome to participate in FCAI activities (see "How can I be involved in FCAI?") and contribute to current and future FCAI research.

Why to get involved – what can FCAI provide to me? »

FCAI offers you a pioneering machine learning and AI research community. Besides fundamental AI, the expertise areas of FCAI researchers cover a variety of scientific disciplines and application areas, as well as AI ethics. FCAI organizes a broad range of inspiring activities and events, such as weekly Machine Learning Coffee Seminar and workshops for networking. In addition, we provide you excellent collaboration possibilities with national and global academic, industrial and third sector partners.

Read more about joining FCAI: https://fcai.fi/join-fcai

What is FCAI Industry and Society Program? »

FCAI Industry and Society Program (ISP) is built on Research and Highlight Programs and aims to support industry and society to successfully apply AI. ISP helps to bring FCAI research results into practice accelerating the renewal of existing business and generating new AI-driven business. By coupling fundamental scientific research with industry collaboration, ISP enables high impact of top-level research that benefits both industry, the research community and the society as a whole.

Learn more how ISP can help you: https://fcai.fi/for-industry-and-public-sector

Does FCAI provide education in AI? »

The objective of FCAI’s educational activities is to increase the competence of both the workforce and the general public. FCAI educates future experts through universities’ curricula, increases the competence of professional workforce with AI training, and organises unique MOOCs for the general public to provide AI literacy for all.

Read more about FCAI educational activities: https://fcai.fi/education

I want visibility for my research result. What should I do? »

If you need help in communications or have ideas for news topics that relate to FCAI research, please contact FCAI communications specialists https://fcai.fi/administration/#communications.

How do I mention FCAI in my publications? »

Our recommendation for groups contributing to FCAI research is to mention FCAI as follows: “This work was supported by the Research Council of Finland Flagship programme: Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI.”

Can FCAI fund my participation in a conference or some similar small expenses? »

For FCAI flagship funded positions, we have allocated small-scale funding for travels, conference fees, etc. Please contact your supervising professor(s) and/or FCAI financial controller on how to proceed with this.

In general, you can apply for small funding for activities directly advancing FCAI Research Programs and Highlights through this form.